Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Rules of the Game

I like rules.  I'm mostly a rule follower.  So I thought I needed to have some kind of rules for my endeavor.  They are all subject to be broken at any time, I mean, they are my rules. Things happen and stuff comes up, I may have to stop doing one project to do another that needs to be done. 

1-Definition of a UFO (UnFinished Object)-Anything that has been started and not finished. That could be anything from partially spun fiber to be spun for a purpose, spun fiber that needs to be made into an item, fabric earmark for a specific articular of clothing, all sweaters that need sleeves (that is usually where I fall a bit short...weird)...etc. DO NOT START ANYTHING NEW!!! (unless I really want to)

2-Do only 2 projects at once. One large, to be done at home and one small that is portable to take places, mostly in the car, with the exception of spinning. (see rule 3)

3-Spinning is its own category. I know what needs to be spun and will work on one project during that month. My guild meets in two weeks and we are starting a new year and I don't know what the year program will be. We meet monthly and I need to take one thing a month for "show and tell".

4-The one thing that will shelve all is anything that my girls need.  I'm a sewing/weaving leader for our local 4-H club and the 2nd counselor for the Young Women's organization for our church.  If one of the girls needs help sewing or warping their looms and they call or come over to my house, they are the priority of whatever needs to happen. I love doing these things and teaching other kids to do them is very fulfilling!

5-Post the progress and finished stuff here and Ravelry (onewildbee).

6-All these rules are subject to change at any time according to my whim.

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